How Does FaceTite Work?
Before getting started, Dr. Saigal will mark the treatment zones on your face and administer local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. It can also be done under sedation. During the procedure, Dr. Saigal will use FaceTite’s proprietary RF energy device above and beneath the skin, carefully guiding it back and forth across the treatment area, adjusting the energy as and when necessary.
The radiofrequency energy will start a process of killing and removing fatty tissues, and contouring your face. Its stimulation of cells will also lead to collagen and elastin production, which will tighten your skin and add healthy volume.
What is Recovery Like from FaceTite?
Recovery from FaceTite is quick, painless, and involves limited downtime. Most patients can return to work a day or two after treatment. After the procedure, Dr. Saigal will discuss post-operative care guidelines. You may experience slight swelling, bruising and redness, but those minor side effects will dissipate rapidly.